By starting setup.php this message apears ... unexpected $end in...

full message:
Parse error: parse error, unexpected $end in C:\wamp\www\zenphoto\zen\setup.php on line 137

System: PHP5 & MySql5

I explored the setup.php but erverythig looks cool. Has anybody a idea why this error apears.


  • Hi mate, the variable $end does not appear in setup.php, so this is a little puzzling. Line 137 refers to:


    Make sure your servers recognises the .php extension and knows to parse PHP. Godd way to check is to make a new file with the following code:

    <?php phpinfo(); ?>

    upload and run from the web browser.

    I could, of course, be entirely wrong.
  • Thank you for your tip.
    I reinstalled php5 now it is working
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