Some Ideas From another Systems

1) Tag as a layer on picture (like
2) Nice web-base Uploader multi files with special browse (like
3) Multi user environment with some levels : users (for commenting), writers (upload pics but can't publish them), editors (Can upload and publish and edit their photos and comments),super editors (Can add users/editors , add , edit, comments for all photos of specific album/sub albums), Administrators (can do everything)

4)Date picker for editing time and date
5)Add ability of making sound albums and select and play them
6)fetch all images form a page (for example import all images from flickr or picasa)

7) rename zenphoto to zenstudio for such a system:D


  • The best place for suggestions like this is as a ticket in the Trac. Suggestions left here in the forum are likely to get lost/overlooked.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    ght: 5) Since zenphoto is a image gallery that might be not a priority, but if you are looking for a similar simple way to publish audio I would recommend
  • It will be very desirable to put all your multimedia services for your site in hands of zenphoto! is there a way to use slides or thumbnails that are created with ZenPhoto with an include function in our cms? for example I add a `<?php include('ZenExport.php') ?>` on the top of index of my cms then call some functions like `<?php make_tumbnail('album2',4)?>` everywhere and it shows me the thumbnail of images in "album2" in 4 columns? or use `<?php show_slides('album2') ?>` for showing the previous-next section in for album2 in my cms?
    Thanks for reply
  • ght:

    Neither of the functions you mention exists as a function in zenphoto. You could possible include the zenphoto functions files in your cms and call them directly. That will take some work, though, as they are all implemented predicated on the index.php script being loaded from the url.

    I think you are trying to make zenphoto into something it was not intended to be, though. There is reason the name starts with `zen`.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    If you are using wordpress as a cms, you might want to try the zenphotopress (formerly zenpress) plugin:
  • No, I'm using sNews ( as my cms, it is very handy too add everything into it and one of them is ZenPhoto as an image gallery :o), I think if ZenPhoto has some place for our hooks, It will be so easy to merge to awesome application in one system ;)
  • Whoops! I think I just started a thread about 3). I'll see if I can log in to trac and suggest it there.
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