Zenphoto error on setup

zenphoto setup
database connected
We're all set to create the database tables: `albums`, `images`, `comments`, and `options`


when i press go, i get this message. any idea whats wronge? im totaly new to php and mySql

zenphoto setup
Creating tables...
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `options` (`name`, `value`) VALUES ('gallery_title', 'Gallery'); ) Failed. Error: Duplicate entry 'gallery_title' for key 2


  • This problem has been corrected in our nightly build. However, you do not need to worry about it. Although it is an error, everything has been upgraded correctly. All that was happening is that some option defaults were being attempted to be stored in the database when the option had already been set. The existing option remains set, so no harm has been done.
  • its my first time to install this. i have tried to start from scratch several times, but still get the same error.
    i havent managed to setup the gallery yeath :(
    where can i find the new build?
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