Does anyone have a current implementation of rounded corners in Zenphoto (like what scooch offers
I've tried curvycorners, and a TON of other methods, but cant get anything to work. I am currently using the Chililight2 theme. Any help in this area would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
It comes with several different edge styles. For the rounding, you may have to make your own mask however. I am not sure if that is included. It may be. But check it out nonetheless.
Hope this helps.
for jquery I had to use two divs to get it it working, one which has the (rounded) image a background (c2) and the second (c3) above it to get a border.
<div class="container" style="width:<?php print (getDefaultwidth());?>px;height:<?php print (getDefaultHeight());?>px;">
<div class="c3" style="position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;float:left;width:<?php print (getDefaultwidth())-4;?>px;height:<?php print (getDefaultHeight())-40;?>px;background:#ccc;border:6px solid #ccc;">
<div class="c2" style="z-index:999;position:absolute;left:0px;margin-left:84px;margin-top:0px;float:left;width:<?php print (getDefaultwidth());?>px;height:<?php print (getDefaultHeight())-40;?>px;background: url(<?php echo $image; ?>);background-repeat:no-repeat;border:0px solid #ccc;padding:0px;">
<script type="text/javascript">
tl: { radius: 16 },
tr: { radius: 16 },
bl: { radius: 16 },
br: { radius: 16 },
antiAlias: true,
autoPad: true,
validTags: ["div"] });
tl: { radius: 20 },
tr: { radius: 20 },
bl: { radius: 20 },
br: { radius: 20 },
antiAlias: true,
autoPad: true,
validTags: ["div"] });
it works in all browsers excecpt tha of msie doesn't anti-aliaze nice because of it's png limitation. (ie7 does)
in c2 replace <?php echo $image; ?> with <?php echo getDefaultSizedImage(); ?> ...
and off course al the class srtyles are for this theme, you have to adjust the two divs to get them positioned exactly on top of each other with other margins etc