Media Temple issue

Hello all,

Im happy to be (or trying to be) running Zen Photo on one of my websites at the moment. I love the look of it and Im excited about the possibilities furture releases will have.

I eventually got Zen Photo to install on my server this morning through the help of my dear and loving husband. Unfortunaly we're having an issue neither one of us knows how to fix.

With Media Temple's hosting on a shared server we have a primary domain and secondar domains under it.

The Zen Photo installation path looks like this:

My problem is this: when logging into the admin, the admin.php changes the url path from to

Once logged in, and once the url change has occured, if you replace primarydomain with secondarydomain in the url bar of the browser it'll take you to the admin utility.

It seems though that this will happen every time I try to log into the control panel.

Can anyone suggest a way to fix this?

Your help is very much appreciated.


  • can you make the .htaccess file relative to that website?
    for example, on dreamhost:

    as you can store multiple sites (like you do) under one hosting package.
    hope this helps
  • the .htaccess is already relative to that particular website. Thanks for your suggestion though :D Your help is appreciated.

    Still having the same problem. Thought Id leave it for a while and see if it was just a fluke, but its still happening.
  • have you changed the address whilst trying to install it?

    have you already got htaccess running on the other site?

    sorry, clutching at straws here :)
  • Im on M.T as well ..Ok on mediatemple..when you say secondary domain that means the stuff related to it is posted on a folder in the root, named exactly as a "domain" without the www.. SO have you installed Zen on both domains?
    If so you have to mention absolute path on the secondary one..
    which should be i think /yourdomain/zenphoto
    make sure rewrite mod is on as well..let me know how your doing..will help as much as i can..:)
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