ZenShow:: Remove Tables Prefix?

I've installed ZenShow (most recent on Trac), I've configured my db stuff, but I don't use a Table Prefix. I've tried to delete it and update, but it keeps defaulting to zen_.

How can I remove that?


  • That was always a bug I noted in Zenshow. I'm not sure where it comes from, but I've never been able to determine the cause. The author doesn't seem to post here any more, so it may be something that might not get changed unless someone has the willingness to look at what may be the cause.

    For some reason, it still works, it just keeps defaulting to zen_ in the admin, but the zenshow functionality should still do what it is supposed to.
  • Chris, libelle fixed that bug in v1.4.1 of ZenShow. I just uploaded that to the plugin wiki page: it's called zenshow.2.php (wasn't sure if I should've clobbered the earlier 1.4 version!), so you'll need to rename it zenshow.php after you download it.
  • I seem to be having an issue zenshow.2. When I load the plugin in my Wordpress, it doesn't display correctly. In the Plugin Column, I get: " title="Visit plugin homepage">ZenShow.
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