Location: Location: Location:

Hi everyone,
I love the info that you enter in when you're administering the photos; but where does it actually show up in the gallery? Will these become tags someday?


  • Not sure exactly what you are asking. However, here is an attempt:

    The fields you can change in admin for an image/album *may* be displayed in a theme if it so chooses. Typically, title is displayed. Location may not be. There are functions that cause these fields to be displayed. Look at template-functions.php or the documents on the track (not sure they are up to date.)

    Tags are a separate animal. You can search on tags or the other fields depending on your theme and option settings. Fields like location are not automatically placed in the tags field. If you want something in the tags you must put it there yourself.
  • I gotcha. That Makes sense. I was just curious why they didn't show up in the tag field. Why are the separate animals?
  • " Why are the separate animals? "

    Because they are separate species :)

    Tags are something that an admin purposly creates for searching purposes. All the other fields may or may not be useful for searching. It certainly would be improper for zenphoto to garner information from any of these fields and place it in the tag information as this may totally violate the admin's intent.
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