I'm building a wallpaper website and thought it would be nice to give the user a file with his/her screen resolution.
Right now i'm using getCustomImageURL to feed users with predefined filesizes. The code looks like:
<?php echo "<?a href='".getCustomImageURL($width=600, $height=450, $cropw=0, $croph=0, $cropx=0, $cropy=0)."'?>Download wallpaper<?/a?>" ; ?>
I also have a script saying:
Your screen resolution is: <script type="text/javascript">
</script> pixels
Would it be possible to put the values of screen.width and screen.height to the places of $width and $height?
Maybe it would be wiser to use only one side for the resizing?
And the other problem I have in IE is that the customly resized photos will be saved as BMP files. Is it possible to overcome that?
I use the code from the link above to create a popup that resizes according to screen height. there is an example on the page...
eddiejanzer's example uses pure JS. I'd like to use the getCustomImageURL function. Only that the image dimensions would come from javascript code. Can this be done. Also haven't find a solution for the IE bmp bug...