Photo size equal to screen resolution


I'm building a wallpaper website and thought it would be nice to give the user a file with his/her screen resolution.

Right now i'm using getCustomImageURL to feed users with predefined filesizes. The code looks like:
<?php echo "<?a href='".getCustomImageURL($width=600, $height=450, $cropw=0, $croph=0, $cropx=0, $cropy=0)."'?>Download wallpaper<?/a?>" ; ?>

I also have a script saying:

Your screen resolution is: <script type="text/javascript">
</script> pixels

Would it be possible to put the values of screen.width and screen.height to the places of $width and $height?

Maybe it would be wiser to use only one side for the resizing?

And the other problem I have in IE is that the customly resized photos will be saved as BMP files. Is it possible to overcome that?



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