I've installed ZenPhoto at
http://www.magiczonepr.net/zenphoto/, and at
http://www.cobaltwolf.us/zenphoto/. Each has its own Akismet key. I substituted the akismet.php that came with 1.1.2 with the fixed one posted here
http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/changeset/789, since the original one was giving me error messages. This one does not give me any error message, but neither catches spam posts no matter how many times I write Viagra, Cialis, etc.
Am I missing something here? Apart from activating it in the backend and saving the key, is there something else I should configure so that the script works?
Yikes, am I the only one? What is everyone else doing to protect themselves from potential spam then? :-P
go here:
and try a comment with either viagra or viagra-test-123 in the name field. it is working, when there is a spam trigger in the name field. However, it doesn't work if viagra, or viagra-test-123 is in the body (which is the important part).
I'll have to look into it. To clarify, the code was adapted from a hack created by GameDudeX before we got the wonderful new Zenphoto 1.1.2.
I got the code adapated and in there, Stephen made it work a bit better, and there have been some other changes. It is doing what it's supposed to do, I just think it's not checking all the fields against the Akismet DB, which gives it the impression of not working.
I'll will keep you posted. Bear with me though, I've been largely incommunicado lately taking care of my newbie (3 months old now).
About the form, well, forgive me for spamming it so much (from Mr. Viagra Cialis post downwards). Its effectiveness seems to be inconsistent. As you can see I managed to post several with "viagra" in the "Name" field (including the infamous Mr. Viagra Stewart). However, it *did* stop me from doing it a few times.
I'll switch to the simple spam filter then while you experts can sort this out
I don't know why it's inconsistent like that. It's almost like it isn't communicating all the fields (or every single time) with Akismet.