Disabling Comments

Is there any easy way to disable commenting without going into the template and removing the comment box code? (that is fine, it just doesn't seem like an elegant solution.


  • Rob Member
    For now that's the only solution to it, you'll be sorry to hear :)
  • You could hide it, if not really disable it.

    Open themes/default/zen.css, go to the part that reads:
    /* Comments
    ------------------------------ */
    #comments {
    clear: both;

    and add one line so it reads:
    #comments {
    clear: both;
    display: none;
  • hiding it doesn't seem to work in the latest version. adding this to the zen.css file of the theme you're using doesn't do anything.
  • I'm running 1.0.1beta and for me it's works just fine.
  • Yes, it works! Thanks ayush ;)
  • trisweb Administrator
    You'll eventually have the ability to turn off comments for individual images, albums, or the whole gallery through the control panel. Someday. ;-)
  • I put it under .comment, it works but you still get the comment count.

    .comment {
    display: none;
  • I edit my zen.css file:

    #comments {
    clear: both;
    display: none;

    And works fine with the last version of ZenPhoto
  • i have the stoppeddesign theme and i can't seem to get any of this to work. i'll be updating to the latest zen and probably changing the theme as well but would like a temporary fix to keep my sanity! only about a couple days ago i started getting spam and of course its progressively getting worse.

    anyway i've edited out the comment box from my theme/stoppeddesign/css/photo.css but the add comment box still appears! it's different than what was there when i didn't mess with the photo.css so i'm assuming i'm editing out the wrong file. i tried finding the zen.css but don't have one in this theme. please please please please help me asap!! thanks...
  • *for now i've just deleted the commentblock from my image.php. anyone know if the update tackles the spam comment problem really well? also is there an option to disable comments in the control panel yet? thanks...

    its so weird cause i still keep getting comments even though there is no comment box to type anything!
  • The distributed themes with the current release of zenphoto all have an option for disaabling comments. Suggest you use the nightly build as there have been some bugs vis comments fixed in it.

    Are the comments you are getting SPAM? Even without a comment block zenphoto will handle posts which fill in the required items. If this is the case, I suggest you modify the spam filter plugin none.php so that it returns 0 in all cases. This will reject as spam any comment postings.
  • On thinking more about this, I have decided to update the none.php spam filter to have three possible actions: pass, moderate, and reject. Comming soon to a nightly release near you.

    If you don't want comments at all, set your filter to none and your action to reject.
  • hi
    iwonder where to paste that code since it's now not zen.css,it's rss-comments.
    I also wanna try delete commentbox too but dont know where to delete it.
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