Is it possible to create the thumbnails for a zenphoto gallery manually? I'm thinking that doing it on they - while extremely cool - takes a bit of time and bandwidth that could be put to better use doing something else

Is there a spot of documentation somewhere that can tell me about options, perhaps?
Thanks in advance!
I have to say this is the nicest, bestest gallery I've found after scouring the interweb.
If it does not work for you you need to check two things:
- server logs for possible errors
- check if the static_html_cache is enabled. If you need to clear it to see changes. Also clear the image cache to be sure you get fresh files generated.
This is driving me absolutely NUTS!!! It's like, oh sure, upload an image, get a thumb -- BUT THAT THUMB WILL BE IMMORTAL, IT WILL NEVER CHANGE, no matter WHAT you do! At this point it looks like I'll have to delete and then reupload ALL my images, just to get new thumbs!!!!!!!
I reiterate, ARRRGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
"refresh database".
matches the database entries with what is on the filesystem. As you probably read already Zenphoto is file system based regarding albums.
"refresh metadata"
Refreshes the meta data, e.g EXIF-data embedded in the images.
Be sure to clear the image cache if you change sizes.
NOTE: zpFocus is a 3rd party theme I don't know anything about. Themes may choose as set by the theme author to not let you change thumb sizes for layout reasons.
I'll check over the zpFocus theme; as I said, I edited the themeoption file to turn on cropping, but maybe there is something else that is keeping the thumbs from being cropped and/or displaying their new versions on the pages. (When I click on the thumbs in the admin edit page, it allows me to crop them, shows the new thumb on the right side, and since I turned on cropping (in the themeoptions file), it's not telling me that cropping is turned off -- so I have no idea why my new thumbs aren't showing up -- the new album thumbs are showing up, even though I really didn't want to crop those -- now I'll have to edit the images for those so that cropping them doesn't destroy the image).
In short, everything appears to be set to support cropping, but I can't RE-generate thumbs -- THAT is my problem, none of this other -- I don't know how to make zenphoto create new thumbs after it's already made a thumb for an uploaded image.
As said the zpFocus theme may require a special image size that you cannot change. A theme may set sizes on the theme itself. This overrides all backend settings and the backend does not "know" about that so it cannot tell you.
If you modify a theme file be sure you know what you are actually doing. See the theming tutorial to learn the basics.