
I am in the process of integrating zen into an existing website. This is harder than I thought it would be!

Here is what is going on:

There are some random images in there, but notice the white space at the top and bottom of the page. Where is this coming from?

There was also a white box in the center of the page that i removed by commenting out the header section.

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • Also, where has the admin toolbar gone?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You should check your code with the w3 validator: There are 57 errors and several other things wrong with your code.

    The tool bar is gone if you are logged out.
  • Yeah, when I added the doctype, it freaked out. I will see what the errors are, thanks.
  • Most of the errors are because of images that lack alt tags. Also all of my <br> tags look like this which apparently isnt allowed without a doctype specified.
    Does Zenphoto require that the page have a specified doctype?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    zenphoto functions put out most code matching XHTML 1.0 Strict. The doctype is absolutely necessary for browser to display correctly.
  • changing the doctype to XHTML 1.0 Strict and fixing errors doesnt seem to rid me of the white spaces above and below the body. Could it be broken zen elements?
  • I wasn't going to post here but you seem to be in deep help!

    First of all you need to open up your zenphoto theme and remove the double slashes from your javascript and css imports.

    Second, open up gallery/themes/simple-plus/zen_fe.css and change:


    html, body {

    background: white;

    color: #A2A2A2;



    html, body {

    background: black;

    color: #A2A2A2;


  • I had thought about changing the .css to make the background black, that makes it look better but it doesnt mean that the space is gone. Now I just have black space.

    "First of all you need to open up your zenphoto theme and remove the double slashes from your javascript and css imports."
    What file are you referring to?
  • adding margin: 0;padding:0 to the html, body that I sent earlier should help you out on the blankspace. If not, sorry.

    The file I was referring to is your index.php, album.php and image.php in your theme folder.

    We can usually help out on Zenphoto stuff, but this is related more to your page containing Zenphoto.
  • Are you talking about the double slashes here:

    <?php #printPageListWithNav("« prev", "next »"); // uncomment this line to support pagination ?>

    Other than those, nothing is commented out with double slashes.
  • What I am talking about is at the top of the pages you have stylesheets and javascript imports. You have an extra "/" in there.
  • Sorry, I've been looking at this for a while now. I dont see an extra backslash in the HEAD section. If you still have it up, can you tell me which script it is referencing?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    | Album: my car


    By the way your doctype doesn't match the need to set XHTML 1.0 STRict. the closing of standalone tags with /> is not allowed in HTML 4.

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