Hello -
So I am now mucking around with making my own theme - customizing layout all that stuff (and what a challenge that is between the css and trying to understand the available ZenPhoto options) and I wanted to know if it was possible to change the marker and zoom scale of the map.
1) I have looked at the printImageMap function in the template-functions.php and noticed that the zoomscale is set to "6" for images and "8" for albums - can I just change it right here?
2) Can I change other things like the marker symbol, the default map type, ummm scale representation?
3) In the printAlbumMap function I noticed that the markers have balloons that open up with a thumbprint of the image and the description - but the balloon often doesn't stretch to cover the background of the image and desc - what can be done about that.
4) Can I read info from the database to create my own GoogleMaps page?
5) How do I show just the lat/long - maybe above the map?
Thanks for whatever help I can get!
1. You can pass the scale you want as a parameter when you call printImageMap. Just use `printImageMap($scale);` where you have set `$scale` to the size you want.
2. The second parameter is the map type, so you can change that by passing a parameter. The allowed values are G_NORMAL_MAP, G_SATELLITE_MAP, and G_HYBRID_MAP. I don't know off hand how you would change the marker and scale representations.
3. No idea
4. The gps data is stored in the database. See the function `getImageEXIFData()` The code zenphoto uses is in the file `zp-core/plugins/phooglelite.php`
5. presumably you could use:
`$exif = getImageEXIFData();
echo "Latitude: " . $exif['EXIFGPSLatitude']' . " Longitude:" . $exif['EXIFGPSLongitude'];`
I will play with these this weekend. I am very thankful for all the work everybody has put into ZenPhoto.
Will try to post about how things are going.
I'm having other difficulties now - number of imagethumbs showing, map sometimes showing sometimes not showing on album pages and this css stuff it confusing - not my natural habitat.
Anyway - I think - to change stuff details about the map: marker, default type, etc. the javascript is within the phooglelite.php
I will post a different topic for the map not showing up.