Most popular hack

Is the Most popular hack supposed to work with 1.2 as well?
I've just tried to implement it in my gallery and here's what it says:
`Fatal error: Call to undefined function zp_conf() in C:Documents and SettingsPERSONALDesktopxampphtdocsnewthemesdefaultcustom-functions.php on line 62`


  • The hack has not been upgraded to v1.2 as capability is now integrated into zenphoto.

    `getAlbumStatistic($number, 'popular')` and
    `printAlbumStatistic($number, 'popular')`
    now do this task.

    These routines are available in the nightly zenphoto build:
  • Sweet! Just updated to the last nightly build. One problem though, sorry for the trouble. :(
    I've been using this method to count my hits so when I call this new function I get this error:

    `Zenphoto Error

    MySQL Query ( SELECT id, title, folder, thumb FROM `albums` ORDER BY hitcounter DESC LIMIT 10 ) Failed. Error: Unknown column 'hitcounter' in 'order clause'`

    What changes do I need to apply to make it work?
  • Sounds like you did not run the setup/upgrade program. You need to do that to create the hitcounter fields.
  • Whoops. Problem solved, thanks a lot. :)
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