Album Description > Character limit cutoff?

I am using this beautiful script to showcase many photographers, and every photographer has a description...some short some very long...and some that are long..distort the appearance of my homepage, I would like the description text to be cutoff only on the boxes that contain the title + thumbnail image. Im sure this is simple to do..can anyway direct me? view this image to see what im referring to:


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can either remove the`printAlbumDesc()`from your theme's album.php or you could use the function `my_truncate_string($string, $length)` to shorten your description to fit your theme. Use the latter like `echo my_truncate_string(getAlbumDesc(), )`
  • thanks your support continues to amaze and impress me...i feel like i should be paying you lol.
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