Upgrade problems


I have upgraded my Zenphoto installation on PowWeb from 1.0.2b to the latest version 1.1.2. When trying to run anything, such as "upgrade.php" or "setup.php" (or just go to an album) I get the error:

MySQL Query ( SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `zenp_options` ) Failed. Error: Table 'aharris_install_1195144.zenp_options' doesn't exist

Now, when I log in to MySql, I see tables "zenp_albums," "zenp_comments" and "zenp_images" but no "zenp_options" .

Does anyone have any suggestions I can take to correct this? Zenphoto was working great as always before I upgraded.

Thanks for any help,

Andy Harris


  • That table should be created by the upgrade.php program. There was a problem in the 1.1 release similar to what you are describing, but it was corrected in the 1.1.2 release. You have two options:

    1. Re-download the 1.1.2 release. Delete all the files in your zp-core folder (the folder name changed from "zen" on the 1.1 release.) re-upload the release and run upgrade again.

    2. do almost the same thing, but get the nightly build from http://www.zenphoto.org/files/nightly/ and load that version of zenphoto. Run the setup.php program from this release. It will do a thurough check of your configuration and report any issues. If you choose this path, wait until tomorrow. There was a glitch in last nights build.
  • Well, I did re-download the latest 1.1.2 .ZIP archive (not the nightly build) and followed your directions, but still no change. I'll try the nightly build this evening.

    MySql version is showing as 5.0.45, if that provides any more relevant info.


    Andy Harris
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yep, try the nightly build, it may help -- setup and upgrade have been greatly improved by sbillard.

    We will probably release a 1.1.3 version this evening if you'd like to wait for that.
  • Found the issue!

    My host has a different path than my usual web address that is needed for PHP files. When I added that actual path to the zenphoto/.htaccess file, along with /zenphoto, everything started working. Strange that I didn't need that with the 1.0.2b version, but it certainly works now.

    Thank you all for your great help. I am up and running with the latest nightly build and it is very, very nice.

    Thanks again!

    Andy Harris
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