I have upgraded my Zenphoto installation on PowWeb from 1.0.2b to the latest version 1.1.2. When trying to run anything, such as "upgrade.php" or "setup.php" (or just go to an album) I get the error:
MySQL Query ( SELECT `name`, `value` FROM `zenp_options` ) Failed. Error: Table 'aharris_install_1195144.zenp_options' doesn't exist
Now, when I log in to MySql, I see tables "zenp_albums," "zenp_comments" and "zenp_images" but no "zenp_options" .
Does anyone have any suggestions I can take to correct this? Zenphoto was working great as always before I upgraded.
Thanks for any help,
Andy Harris
1. Re-download the 1.1.2 release. Delete all the files in your zp-core folder (the folder name changed from "zen" on the 1.1 release.) re-upload the release and run upgrade again.
2. do almost the same thing, but get the nightly build from http://www.zenphoto.org/files/nightly/ and load that version of zenphoto. Run the setup.php program from this release. It will do a thurough check of your configuration and report any issues. If you choose this path, wait until tomorrow. There was a glitch in last nights build.
MySql version is showing as 5.0.45, if that provides any more relevant info.
Andy Harris
We will probably release a 1.1.3 version this evening if you'd like to wait for that.
My host has a different path than my usual web address that is needed for PHP files. When I added that actual path to the zenphoto/.htaccess file, along with /zenphoto, everything started working. Strange that I didn't need that with the 1.0.2b version, but it certainly works now.
Thank you all for your great help. I am up and running with the latest nightly build and it is very, very nice.
Thanks again!
Andy Harris