sug for the futur version

hi all
in any script wat is important is the security i think any one use this script fist wat we need it's a stable scirpt and security (i hopp all virsion will be lake the 1.2.1).
i hopp in the futur version wi will find somme statistique lake
1/how peoplems are on line
2/last 5 or 10 new images
3/most picture view
4/information under any image lake how mant time was view and whene it was add
5/contacte us(add script or link for contacte the admin gallery)
6/visiotr can registe and add pictur and the admin can accepte or delit the member pictur
7/systeme vote for pictur
hopp that in the futur version can have easy way to translate the script to any langauge (arabic frinch ...)


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