checkbox "thumbnails per row"

Russian language
все привет. скажите почему не работает чекбокс "thumbnails per row"? пытаюсь поменять с 2 на любое число но нечего не срабатывает. в чём может быть проблема?

google translator into English)))
hi all. tell me why is not working checkbox "thumbnails per row"? 'm trying to change from 2 to any number but nothing does not work. in what could be the problem?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is no actual thumbnails per row. How many thumbnails fit into a "row" (HTML has no real concept for fixed rows at all), is determined by the space available together with the size of the thumbs. If you have 600px width you wil never fit four thumbs with 300px width in a row naturally.

    It all depends on the theme used as well which you didn't tell (minimum info!)
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