I got this idea that on my web page there should be a part of Zenphoto which is SSL secured. So when I click on "photos" I go from http to https by using mod_rewrite
`RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} ^80$
RewriteRule ^/zenphoto(.*)$
https://%{SERVER_NAME}/zenphoto$1 [L,R]
RewriteLog "/var/log/apache2/rewrite.log"
RewriteLogLevel 2`
in my Virtual Host config in apache2. So far so good! Clicking on "photos" takes me to Zenphoto as supposed (index.php of stopdesign). However when I am viewing an album I get "The requested URL /zenphoto/some_album/ was not found on this server".
Where can the problem be? In my setup of virtual hosts, mod_rewrite or is it something I forgot to do in Zenphoto?
I have enabled mod_rewrite in AdminTools and also change http to https as server protocol.
Any idea is welcome,
I just want to inform that I have moved my Zenphoto to an Ubuntu server and everything works fine. I got the mod_rewrite working with https by following the user guide (the same as http)! I don't know what went wrong before.So this thread is unnecessary.