Hey folks,
I apologize for this, but I am a bigtime noob with php and such, and I was wondering if anyone could point me to a comprehensive installation FAQ for zenphoto. The quick installation steps aren't enough, for I am ill-equipped in my knowledge of these things
. I don't know how to set up databases or change rewrite modules or anything. I have a good amount of html and javascript experience, I just need some extra help with this new coding stuff. I've never installed a gallery-type thing on my site.
Sorry and thanks!
You can also view http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/wiki/ZenphotoInstall
You won't have to write any PHP code to run this version. However, you will have to create a database for it to use. All you need do is create the DB and give setup your user, password, and database name. It will take it from there.