Zenphoto 1.1.3 is out, reload the front page to see.
This release is mostly a ton of bugfixes and continued improvements. One highlight: setup and upgrade are much improved.
Thanks to everyone who worked on this release! Please install it and enjoy the continued simplicity of showing your photos online. As usual we welcome your input! Thanks.
I will say though that the install/upgrade info included with 1.1.3 is sorta sparse.
Congratulations on making zenphoto even tighter.
Setup tries to take care of all these things. If it fails at doing it you will get the notices.
By the way, is there a changelog for upgrading themes somewhere? I made a custom theme for my site. Thanks.
The link can now be found within our new user guide too: http://www.zenphoto.org/2007/12/theming-zenphoto/
Previously, I just had to put "Iso-8859-1" in the administration dedicated menu (Cf. http://www.zenphoto.org/support/topic.php?id=1832&replies=6#post-10575 ) but now ... it doesn't work anymore ... regrettable regression. I hope you'll solve this quickly, as all galleries must be unactivated for now !
Thank's for you've already done and for you'll do soon
Either way.. WOW!!. Talk about a smooth, quick, easy setup. All the problems from the past are gone. I didnt have to configure a rewrite base, define paths. The setup script is awesome. The admin interface has so much more. I did a double take at the zp-config file.
This is awesome.. absolutely awesome.
The website design is great as well.
Awesome Awesome... Awesome Awesome Awesome..
Over the weekend I hope to upgrade all of my other galleries I have. If they all go as easy as this install, it should take no time.