Well the work for producing a contributable event photography solution is complete. Before I post the code I'd like some feedback.
If you go to my site
http://www.daugharty.com and click galleries you will only see two listed (published) galleries, however if you go back to the home page, you will see an event ID field. Enter either the number 100 or 200 for event ID's and you will be redirected to hidden albums.
I had passwords on these but I took them off for you to see how the integration works. Please provide feedback and I'll post the code as an installable contrib.
I've got error processing left to do if the event ID does not exist. Right now it gives a blank page.
Thanks in advance for the feedback.
So the ID is a special id? Why not use the album name or the already given album id?
The password on the album will be included in a form field on the events page so it's posted during load of the album.
How is the implementation done? Looks like you look up the event ID and match it to an album name?
1) setup.php modified to add a new table called events with colums (eventid, eventdesc and albumid)
2) admin.php option-defaults.php and admin-functions.php modified to enable events functionality (New gallery options) .. includes upload option to flag an album for an event (adds rows to the events table)
3) new php created called events.php that enables a view of available events with a thumbnail and also support a query string to call the php with an event ID so it can be used as a form processor for front-side site pages.
In general the events.php page joins against the albums table based on the album ID that is stored in the events table as a means of looking up the album title for redirect.
Usage for me is to unpublish an album so it's not visible in the gallery and provide access via an event ID that I gave people during their session.