on my site.. if I flag an image as invisible it just appears at the end of my manually ordered images..
if I flag a previously (two weeks ago..) flagged as invisble image to visible it stays invisible..
this happens in my own theme as well as the default theme of the 1.1.3 nightly build...
hiding/unhiding albums works without a problem... any ideas?
When you have saved after marking the image visible, it the visible checkbox checked?
Is the image invisible when you are logged in or just when you are viewing as a visitor?
but on my own domain it still is like this. flagging an image invisible gets saved to the database as show = 0 (checked with myphpadmin) but keeps on showing in my album (both logged in and as visitor) at the bottom, cq last iamge in the album. if I check another image as invisible this becomes the last image..
also i can change previously marked as invisble to visible with phpmyadmin but they stay invisible when browsing the album..
I get the feeling I can write to my database but it does not read from it..
As for the image showing up at the bottom of the album: are you selectig sort order of `date`?
..and stays unchecked, after saving /logging out-in etc...
my sort order is manual for most of my folders..
could it be the problem is server side, either my database or mysql configuration( 3.23.58)because when I copy the same folders to another domain with the same zenphoto build (but neweer mysql 4.3.10) I can get the images to disseapear as usual...
Also when I downgrade to the tags_1.1.2-r983 version things are working as they should..
so it could be that indeed with all the recent updates on zenphoto my mysql version became incompatible..
I did some tests with the versions from trunk..
i always only upgraded but this time i did run the setup starting from zenphoto 2007-12-08-trunk
everything (the hiding unhiding) works fine up till and including version 2007-12-11.
setting up version 2007-11-12 gives an error on mysql; "mySQL version 3.2.3 or greater [version is ]"
neglecting this warning and just doing the upgrade reproduces the hiding/unhiding problem.
so I think indeed my sql version 3.23.58 although in absolute numbers is higher then 3.2.3 is the problem.
I'll get it upgraded
A comparison of the 2007-11-11 nightly to the 2007-11-12 nightly reveals 3 changes.
1. The .htaccess file has had some changes for mod_rewrite to support searches
2. There were some spelling corrections in admin.php
3. There was a correction to the akismet.php plugin.
Not sure why any of these would have caused a difference, but #1 would be the only one that is even suspect.
only thing that happened during setup was this:
mySQL access rights [insufficient rights]
Your mySQL user must have Select, Insert, Update, and Delete rights.
The SHOW GRANTS query failed.
doesn't seem to cause any problem..
As to the setup issue, This means that setup.php did not have enough rights to ask what rights it had. As long as everything else is working it is not an issue. But the warning is there in case other problems also show up. Then you would have a clue as to where to start looking.
This is what hapened:
When I clear the checkbox the picture still displays when I logout and view the alubum. I checked back to make sure it was still cleared and it was. I did a fresh build and it still works the same. Also on the Overview tab it displays: 187 images (4 not visible). I installed this using FTP.
So do I need to add some code to each php page to stop them from chaching? I would like my users to see the most current version.
Here are some more things I have checked:
-I do not have the static_html_cache plugin enabled.
-A virgin browser does not display the image
-I am logged out as admin.
-I have added a new picture via ftp to the album and it displays along with the invisible picture.
-I have gone Admin and done all of the clearing and refreshing options.
-I have renamed the picture and gave it a new title, which to me makes no sense why it would still display.
The one thing I noticed was that in 7.0 when I logged out, the log in option didn't display anymore. But in 8.0 the log in option still displays......