Error: "Unknown column 'password' in 'field list'"

Hi there,
I got problems again, maybe due to not properly updating to 1.1.3 (?).
After creating a new album and uploading one photo to it I already got an error-message which I don't recall exactly but it also had to do something with the "Unknown column 'password' in 'field list'". The album-folder was created though and the pic was uploaded.
Now when I click on "Edit" in the AdminPanel I get the following error message straight away:
`<br /> Zenphoto Error<br /> MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zen_albums` (`folder`, `subalbum_sort_type`, `album_sortdirection`, `sort_type`, `image_sortdirection`, `password`, `title`) VALUES ('quito', 'Manual', '0', '', '', '', 'quito'); ) Failed. Error: Unknown column 'password' in 'field list'<br /> `
The error also shows up on my gallery's indexpage now:


  • Did you rerun setup? If not, you need to do so.
  • Hmm, thought I did after I first had problems with my DataBase Prefix, but as it seems I didn't.
    Everyting seems to work fine again now, thanks so much!!
    Also for helping me out now with a couple of n00b or RTFM questions ;-)

  • Hi, I have this same error and I see that it was suggested to re-run the setup. How do I do that?


    the error:
    MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `my photosalbums` (`folder`, `subalbum_sort_type`, `album_sortdirection`, `sort_type`, `image_sortdirection`, `password`, `title`) VALUES ('test', 'Manual', '0', 'Filename', '1', '', 'test'); ) Failed. Error: Unknown column 'password' in 'field list'
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You should have run setup while installing. Just point your browser to <your domain>/<zenphoto folder>/zp-core/setup.php
  • I did run it when I installed ZP. Everything worked fine - I created 4 albums and uploaded a bunch of images. A couple months later (today) I tried to log in but forgot my password. I used the link to Email password, changed my username and password and logged on. I then tried to create a new album and got the error message above. I re-ran the setup link and still get the same error.

    Any thoughts?
  • Can you look at your database and see if the password field exists? If it does not, then you need to run setup.php to create it again.
  • I'm sorry, I'm not super saavy with this stuff. I think I checked the database correctly and did NOT find a password field. Here's a screen cap that shows where I checked. What do you think?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The screenshot you posted shows the tables not the columns. You need to click on the names to see the thte columns, in this case for password look within "albums" and "images".
  • Just run setup.php again to be sure. This problem has always in the past been because the table fields were not created.
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