Hi there,
I got problems again, maybe due to not properly updating to 1.1.3 (?).
After creating a new album and uploading one photo to it I already got an error-message which I don't recall exactly but it also had to do something with the "Unknown column 'password' in 'field list'". The album-folder was created though and the pic was uploaded.
Now when I click on "Edit" in the AdminPanel I get the following error message straight away:
<br />
Zenphoto Error<br />
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `zen_albums` (`folder`, `subalbum_sort_type`, `album_sortdirection`, `sort_type`, `image_sortdirection`, `password`, `title`) VALUES ('quito', 'Manual', '0', '', '', '', 'quito'); ) Failed. Error: Unknown column 'password' in 'field list'<br />
The error also shows up on my gallery's indexpage now:
Everyting seems to work fine again now, thanks so much!!
Also for helping me out now with a couple of n00b or RTFM questions ;-)
the error:
MySQL Query ( INSERT INTO `my photosalbums` (`folder`, `subalbum_sort_type`, `album_sortdirection`, `sort_type`, `image_sortdirection`, `password`, `title`) VALUES ('test', 'Manual', '0', 'Filename', '1', '', 'test'); ) Failed. Error: Unknown column 'password' in 'field list'
Any thoughts?