how to edit path/link to main gallery

Hi everyone. Newbie question here. Where/how do I edit the path to the main album page?

You can check it out here: If you scroll over the album link you'll see it directs to:
when it should just be
Why is the extra "domain/" included in the path to the main folder? As a result all my links are off on the gallery, album, and image pages. They work for some reason, but their wrong.

Extra info: this is installed on a subdomain, with mod_rewrite off.

Thanks in advance for anyone who can help me out.


  • Thanks for the quick response.

    The only changes I made to the theme were to change the background and some minor styling. I reuploaded the original light.css with no effect on the href, so that's not it.

    Here's the guts of the zp-config file:

    $conf['mysql_database'] = "travelalongwithme_com";
    $conf['album_folder'] = '/albums/';
    $conf['external_album_folder'] = null;
    The path overrides at the bottom are still commented.

    Do you have any other ideas?

  • i am guessing it has something to do with your subdomain since it's working fine.
  • That is strange how that both urls are valid. All that's in the subdomain folder is an index file, an image folder, and the zenphoto 'gallery' folder. So if it does have to do with the subdomain, wouldn't it have to be on the server side, how they set up the mysql database??

    Where is zenphoto pulling that href from? Is there not a file in zenphoto with code that controls what href shows up on the on the gallery, album, and image pages?
  • nope, though you can check the index.php file in the default theme folder the link is in around 27th line

    " title="View album: <?php echo getAlbumTitle();?>"><?php printAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle()); ?>

    <?php echo getAlbumLinkURL();?> is the one that generates the link
  • farhan, the code in the index.php file is as it should be. thanks for the suggestion though.

    i searched the forum pretty well earlier today and the only thing i saw similar was this thread
    which had double slashes in the href url. about midway down, the posts by aitf311 & acrylian.

    anyone else have any ideas? this is driving me crazy.
  • not sure, wait for someone else to answer i guess.

    whats the subdomain it is installed on ? or is it installed in a subdirectory ?
  • it's a subdirectory hosted domain. could that be the problem? is it masking the master domain with the subfolder name?

    the master domain is, and all of the below urls work:
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Generally that should not be a problem. I have installed a zenphoto install within a wordpress installation within a subfolder to that then the main domain was linked without any problems. Maybe that's a problem how the domain is linked to the subfolder within your webspace's options?

    What did you enter for gallery url within admin options? There your domain zenphoto is installed in should go like this ``

    You could try uncommenting and adjusting these lines at the bottom of zp-config.php too:
    `// define('WEBPATH', '/zenphoto');

    // define('SERVERPATH', '/full/server/path/to/zenphoto');`
  • Thanks Acrylian. Defining the webpath in zp-config fixed it.

    It looks like the serverpath was messing it up. My phpinfo file showed this as the serverpath: "/export/home/". If I used this to define the server path in zp-config (without the webpath defined), it gives me the double name at the beginning of the url. But defining the webpath takes care of it, even if the above serverpath is defined right after it.

    Thanks for everyone's help!

    Now to see if mod_rewrite works. <fingers crossed>
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