full-image.php quality level

I noticed that the image full-image.php returns is compressed. Reading up on imagejpeg on http://us2.php.net/imagejpeg tells us that without quality specified, it will use the IJG default (about 75).

I would suggest changing the (nearly) last line of full-image.php from
to either

I would lean more towards defaulting to 100, or perhaps adding a full sized image quality option to the admin options and using $full_quality or something like that.

Found in version 1.1.3



  • Good idea, New functionality (with option) will be in an update soon.
  • Noticed the change in the nightly build for 01.01.2008 and I also noticed that the switches in full-image.php are not case insensitive. Most of my images are *.JPG, so view full image wasn't working until I changed the code some.

    Also, since I haven't said it before, zenphoto is great great great!!! I am humbled that you accepted my tiny suggestion.

  • Thanks for pointing out the case sensitivity. It will be fixed in tonight's build.
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