Full Image Corrupt

Though most images are being generated perfectly, zenphoto gives corrupt jpeg files when I try to download the full image.

Anybody know of a fix/workaround?


  • Check your cgi error log to see if you are getting memory exceeded errors.

    Also, you can try the nightly build. Last nights build added an option to allow you to control the quality level of the image.
  • Well, I'm running the nightly build now and I don't see any memory errors, but I did notice something pretty interesting about the jpg files themselves...

    When opened in a text editor, they contain two newline characters followed by <!-- zenphoto version 1.1.3 Theme: default (full-image.php) -->
  • OK, that is interesting. That we can fix.

    Update: I do see the line in the files, but it has not caused problems with the images I have saved/viewed.
  • Unfortunately, that's the only thing in my files.

    I'm not using the watermarking or quality adjusting options, so linking straight to the originals would be fine by me, if that's an easy workaround.
  • Oh oh oh! I may know what is wrong! I just responded to a previous thread which I started, but the switches in full-image.php are case insensitive, so if your images end with anything but .jpg or .jpeg you won't match any cases and you will get that string in your image.
  • Brilliant! Thanks a ton!
  • OK, we can fix that as well!
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