Help with Highslide

I managed by the seat of my pants to get highslide intergrated with my zenphotos and I got it showing the proper photo description, but I'm having a hard time getting the controls to show up for next and previous image.



  • Are you sure you have something like this in your captions div (I guess you want a caption control?):




    if that's the case and it still doesnt work maybe you could try to give your captions a common id like "the-caption" and then add `hs.captionId = 'the-caption';` where you have already the hs.graphicsDir and place the above code I mentioned in the first place in a div like `

    You could then just place an individual image caption with ` <?php printImageDesc(true); ?>` which would be probably very useful because you already use zenphoto to manage your descriptions

    Sorry I'm no expert on that it's just what I did
  • Actually I didn't have that at all.
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