Is there a way to stop subalbums from showing up?

I am using a custom theme, and I am showing my subalbums on a sidebar. but, When i try to show my images page, using the following loop, the first page is always blank (It used to show the subalbums when I had the subalbum code in place)

My Directory Structure is:
Main Album
- SubAlbum 1
- SubAlbum 2

the Loop (after removing the subalbum code) is:

<?php while (next_image()): ?>

" title="<?=getImageTitle();?>"><?php printImageThumb(getImageTitle()); ?>

<?php endwhile; ?>

my question is what else do i have to remove to get rid of the reserved subalbum page? I am using a modified version of the thinkdreams theme if that helps.


  • I believe you will have to set `$_zp_page = 2;` (or whatever the page number of where the images would start is.) There is nothing in the paging right now that lets you eliminate album pages.
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