You need to set your admin username and password

I'm receiving the error "You need to set your admin username and password" after succesfully finishing the setup.

Does anyone know what's going on here or am i being silly?


  • It's not an error, you need to go into the admin and enter a username and password.

    The path would be yourZPfolder/zp-core/admin.php
    Once you are there go to Options then Admin Settings
  • That is what i assumed but i am already in the admin section (admin.php) and what ever i click on in the menu (overview, comments etc) just reloads the page with a big red box below the heading 'admin information' thats say the above error :s
  • And that will continue until you set the user name and password.

    You should be on the page that lets you set them.
  • Nope nothing else on that page at all
  • I'm going to reupload all files and i'll report back after
  • Still no change, if anyone wants to check out what i mean here's a link to the page.

    From closer inspection at the source code it looks like the form i need to fill in is hidden.
  • Can you check to be sure that all the files from zp-core/js have been updated on your installation? The options page is normally tabbed, and only one tab is visible. In your case it should be the #tab_admin. That would be the form that allows you to enter your user name and password. In your case, nothing is visible, So it would seem something is going wrong with the java script that manages the tabs.

    Also check your CGI error log to see if anything has been recorded there.
  • Chipshop, let's try to get rid of some javascript and see if that is your problem.

    Open up zp-core/js/admin.js

    Remove lines 285 - 334.

    Save and upload admin.js again and please report back with an update.
  • Ah this maybe the problem, i re-unzipped the file as there was no admin.js (or anything except thickbox.js) in the unzipped folder.

    On re-unzipping suddenly a whole folder of files appeared lol.

    Thanks for the great help it's a great piece of software.
  • Just a short comment... Zenphoto is indeed a great piece of software... I'm not a PHP fan but zenphoto just got me thinking ... thanks guys and ooo! chipshop... the problem with the admin thing, I also found that my files hadn't entirely copied so some were zero byte files.... I read this forum and was able to get the system running.

    Thanks guys!
    Congrats and keep zenphoto alive!
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