Hi all. I've discovered ZEN photo last night, and i allready started a webalbum (www.liga.mec.upt.ro/foto).
i have a problem with the Stopdesign Theme .... is incomplete. i cannot use the comment feature ... at all. I cannot get to see the add comment button ... show button ... ..
I've started to translate the zen photo in Romanian ... but .. it's difficult

). I'm waiting to the harcoding to be over

) so' we have a language file for this awsome cms gallery.
Good job guys.
Here's the link :
the same problem is waiting to be solve yet.
xcronix seems to be having other problems as well.
I have run setup.php ... but nothing
What do you do ?!
Sorry for my english.
My test gallery: http://s196587036.onlinehome.fr/zenphoto/
Zenphoto Error
MySQL Query ( SELECT `zp_images`.filename,`zp_images`.title, `zp_albums`.folder, `zp_images`.show, `zp_albums`.show, `zp_albums`.password FROM `zp_images` INNER JOIN `zp_albums` ON `zp_images`.albumid = `zp_albums`.id WHERE `zp_albums`.folder!="" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 ) Failed. Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'show, `zp_albums`.show, `zp_albums`.password FROM `zp_images` I
On my homepage.
How correct this?
Thanks a lot.
I have installed the latest nightly build. With the Stopdesign theme, I too cannot post comments. There is no comment button and I see no way to post a comment. There are no errors... its just that comments cannot be posted. In 'admin', comments are turned on. Everything else works fine.
Any help will be appreciated.
Can you post a link to your site so we can take a look?
I have the last nightly build (01.24.2008)
As I mentioned above, I have the same issues with no comments. Also, when I run setup I get:
" mySQL access rights [insufficient]
Your mySQL user must have Select, Insert, Update, and Delete rights."
I have checked using myphpadmin and my mySQL user does have full rights.
Maybe this is the same problem as Nico and will help. Thanks in advance.
yes, I have PHPmyadmin but I don't know where find this informations. My gallerie is host with 1and1 ?
I think I have all permissions.
yes, it's the same problem.
If you wish, you can e-mail me the url and login for your phpmyadmin and I will take a look at the database. e-mail to stephen sbillard <dot> org.
I dont know why and how it happened. Just sharing, maybe that could help. Thanks
I have the error only when I choose in theme option "random images". With "recent images" I don't have this error.
I think problem come from "comments.js"
There is a different query for random images from recent images, so that is why you could see a problem on one but not another.