cant upload photos

Hi !

i recently installed zenphoto on my homeserver but i have some problems with it
1st of all my system
p4 2.8
512mb ram
win2k3 sp2
xampp (last version for windows)

after successfull installation i tried to upload images through administration page.
but i dont see tumbnails created only "x" instead and photos are uploaded.Then i press on "x" tumbnail i get nothing (object not found).Its like something wrong with page (for each photo ) creation or something

Thanks for your help.


  • This is usually caused by your album and cache folders not having the chmod set to 777.
  • Also try resetting mod_rewrite. That may not be working for you.

    Also, if you can run ftp to your site, check to see if the images are actually uploaded.
  • ok.i want to say it again..i have my gallery folder inside htdocs on NTFS partition (drive c ,windows 2003 server sp2).when i connect to my gallery folder via ftp i see chmod is set to 755. I cant change chmod using ftp client..its something wrong with ntfs partitions...what permissions exactly and of wich users i have to set through security tab on my htdoc/gallery folder.or..what permissions i need to htdos folder to use ftpclient for changing permissions for folders in htdocs... :)hope somebody will help..

    btw..images are actually uploaded.but there is no page and link created by script (including tumbnail)..
  • up.somebody ?
  • The permissions need to be execute, read, and write for all users on the albums and cache folders.

    When no page is created by the script there is usually a CGI error. Are there any errors in your CGI log?
  • Hi i didnt find the error log but when i look at the cache or album folder properties i see attributes :readonly mark (in grey color marked)..i just dont know how to make those folders writable in 2003..there is no items been created in cache folder but upload of photo done correctly..
  • Have you run the setup.php program? It should try to make the files writable.
  • yep..the setup run successfully..but no changes..big photo uploaded..but no tumbnails and cache folder is empty. Today i reinstalled xampp into the second hard drive..i thought is something wrong in 2003 server with system partition but at the second hdd is the same installation was succesfull but its just dont work..probably special permissions needed in 2003 server..i just dont know..
  • If setup thinks the folder is writeable, it probably is. I didn't notice if you had tried reseting mod_rewrite.
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