All album rss feeds are empty. The rss feed on the main page contains only 8 items, while I defined 10. This feed also contains not the most recent images.
It is normal that the feed is empty within albums that only contain subalbums, you have to be in album thumbnail view to get images. That this does not work on your site is indeed not normal.
Did you check if your albums/images are really set to published or are not password protected?
Yes, I see that. I currently don't have a clue why that is so. The last changes for the feed were in svn926 (password update) and 1018 (SQL injection breach fix).
Update: I just took a look again. Did you change anything? It's now working.
Got it working now! While each subalbum was published before, I toggled the "Published" button between select and deselect and stored it back. Now it works. It seems that the "Published" button does not work properly for new subalbums.
All album rss feeds are empty. The rss feed on the main page contains only 8 items, while I defined 10. This feed also contains not the most recent images.
Did you check if your albums/images are really set to published or are not password protected?
Click on the "Album RSS" Link at the bottom of the page and you will see the empty feed.
Update: I just took a look again. Did you change anything? It's now working.