Admin page 500 error

I have two photoalbums on my webpage. They worked just fine until my webserver host had to replace the webserver due to harddisk crashes. I have mode rewrite on. After the transfer the albums just works fine and the urls are beautiful rewritten, but I can not enter my adminpages. I get a 500 error. If I remove the .httaccess files I can enter the admin but then I lose my nice urls.

Anybody knows how to solve this?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If everything else works your htaccess file is probably mangeld or you use an old one. Assuming you use zp 1.1 or later Is this line existing in your htaccess?: `RewriteRule ^admin/?$ zp-core/admin.php [R,L]`
  • Yes that line is in. I reloaded my .httaccess file I had on my own computer, but nothing happens.

    I think I will try a new install on the small album, see if that works.
  • 500 errors are server errors. I would suspect that there is a file corruption. Reloading the zenphoto files would corrrect that.
  • It is a strange thing. I think it is a setting on the webserver. I tried to install a fresh new gallery and the setup page is not shown if the .htaccess file is on the server. If I delete it, everything works fine.

    What can I ask my webhost to change to make this work? I like the nices urls far better.
  • Just describe the problem to them as you have here. What you want to have working is something called 'mod rewrite'.
  • The problem is, it works for the album, but if the .htaccess file is on the server I can't see my admin page or setup page. The webserver is on Apache 2.2.3

    So I think the mod rewrite is on.
  • Admin and setup do not use mod_rewrite. So, something in the .htaccess is masking those files. What does your .htaccess look like? Is it the standard one that came with zenphoto? Are there any other .htaccess files in the path?
  • Update:

    I have just gone through something similar to this on my photo sites. My main site and one of my test sites started getting 500 errors on the albums. The third test site continued to work correctly. I contacted my ISP and they found that they had somehow messed up my CGI settings. (I have no idea what was wrong.) With any luck things will be running again tomorrow after the server reload.

    So, I suggest you contact your ISP and see what they can determin.
  • Thanks sbillard, I was thinking I was stupid. I use the .htaccess file that came with zenphoto. I will contact my ISP and ask them to check the settings on the webserver.
  • Good luck. Unfortunately when I tried my site this morning it was not fixed. So, back to tech support again!
  • Still no luck. I think it has something to do with the .htaccess file and apache2. The problem started when the webserver apache was upgraded.

    I leave my mod rewrite on and if I have to upload pictures, I delete my .htaccess file and disable mod rewrite.

    I hope someone finds a solution.
  • What I found was that the permissions on the root folder and the zp-core folder were wrong. Be sure that those are set to 755. In my case, the execute permission on the folder that had .htaccess was not set, so the .htaccess file could not be "run".
  • The folder permissions are all 755. The .htaccess runs perfectly, but not when
    I point my browser to a page in the zp-core map. If the .htaccess file is removed from the server, I can access the pages in the zp-core folder .
  • this might not be related but during my very recent 404 page problems.. the problem was that the .htaccess base url was set customized for my localhost so when this file was uploaded to the web server.. it caused missing pages.

    maybe not your case - but i thought i'd mention it anyway :]
    good luck!
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