My problem is that I want to display the first image of an album on the index page one time.. if possible including a link to that album..
I got as far as finding a thread which deals with a similar problem and this code:
`<?php global $_zp_gallery;<br />
$alb = $_zp_gallery->getAlbums(0);
$first = $alb[0];
$firstAlbum = new Album($_zp_gallery, $first);
$img = $firstAlbum->getImages(0);
$first = $img[0];
$firstImage = new Image($firstAlbum, $first);
?> `
The problem is now to display an image thumbnail but not use the "while-next-Album"
function as it should be a unique image...
I hope somebody understands what my problem is and might have a hint as I'm no php expert...