Limit latest images to x album

Hi there. Great photo gallery, I really love it. Like many people though I am wanting to call thumbnails of gallery images from pages outside of the Zenphoto directory (linking to the gallery). I got the the latest images working great with this code (found after trawling the forums):


$images = getImageStatistic(6, "latest");

foreach ($images as $image) {
$imageURL = getURL($image);
echo '<a href="'.$imageURL.'" title="View image: ' .
$image->getTitle() . '"><img src="' .
$image->getThumb() .
'" alt="' . $image->getTitle() . "\"/>\n";

This gives me the latest 6 photos from the whole gallery.
This works fine, but I what I really want is to limit the latest images to those of a particular album. How would I go about doing that? It must be possible, I just don't know enough about programming in general to make it happen. Can anyone help me out?



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