placing definite width&height in function printDefaultSizedImage


I would like to specify the width & height of my images in the function printDefaultSizedImage in the template-functions.php.

I am doing this because all my images are a set exact size and none of them will ever deviate from this. I am hoping that by specifying the dimensions I can avoid the jumping around of images that occur as a page of say 30 images load on an album page and the browser is unable to allocate space immediately (hope that makes some sense).

I have (i think) tracked the code down to the lines in function printDefaultSizedImage;


//Print images
else {
echo "<img src=\"" . htmlspecialchars(getDefaultSizedImage()) . "\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars($alt, ENT_QUOTES) . "\"" .
" width=\"" . getDefaultWidth() . "\" height=\"" . getDefaultHeight() . "\"" .


I can get the gist of whats going on here, but i dont have the php skills to modify this. Could anyone change the above code and set width & height to say, for example 500pixels? I just don't have the syntax knowledge..!

thank you


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