thumbnails in rss flow

Hello, everybody!

Is there some motivated people who can test the rss file I modified ?
It has :
-- Thumbnails in the flow
-- The name of the album containing the image

It works well for me, I want to know if the same is true for other installations of zenphoto.
Be careful! It is compatible with versions 1.1!

I noticed that the display of thumbnails works well on netvibes, but does not work on igoogle ... I have not tested on other aggregators. But this is surely general, as other streams as:,2-3208,1-0,0.xml
Display their thumbs in netvibes, but not in another aggregator ... Somebody knows why?

Thank you in advance for giving me your reactions. The file is available here. You have to unzip the file, and overwrite the rss.php file in zenphoto folder.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    My feed reader (NetNewsWire on Mac) does not load the thumbnails, I am forced to download them manually. What exactly do you mean with "Thumbnails in the flow"? (Since I don't see it).

    By the way the feed is not the latest code, we changed a few things in the svn and are about to change a few more.
  • the thumbnails looks like this picture : <img src="" />

    but i don't know why it works with netvibes and not with an other aggregator (that's why i'd like other systems to try it)

    i didn't notice that i had not the latest code, i'll try this, thanks
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I see, I think this is a kind of formatted xml list, that of course a normal RSS reader program can not display, these programs display only the headline per item and one item at the time. And Firefox displays feed items as bookmarks only. From what I read, the forced download behaviour is correct, since the <enclosure> tag seems to be meant for video and audio podcasts and such. Since I don't use any online feed aggregators our normal feed is fine for me (not only because I co-wrote it...:-)). But if your mod fits for your needs that s fine of course.
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