problem after upgrade

i upgraded to a nightly build and printTopRated images no longer works. is there anything this error can tell me that needs to be fixed? ` Zenphoto Error

MySQL Query ( SELECT images.albumid, images.filename AS filename, images.title AS title, albums.folder AS folder,,, albums.password FROM ``zp_images` AS images, `zp_albums` AS albums WHERE images.albumid = AND AND AND albums.password='' AND albums.folder != '' ORDER BY (total_value/total_votes) DESC LIMIT 5 ) Failed. Error: Column 'total_value' in order clause is ambiguous`

it was working fine before the upgrade. i installed nightly build from 12/29 i think. and i have no idea what ambiguous is or how to fix it.

i also have a question about private passworded images. when using a code like the above or printLatestImages is there a way i can stop the private pictures from showing up as thumbnails on those php calls? shouldnt it automatically check for a password cookie so it is (or is not) allowed to display said images?


  • Did you run setup.php after installing the nightly build?

    You might also want to install a more recent one of the nightly builds. The more recent ones will not return password protected images to this function.
  • I ran upgrade.php, but thanks i will upgrade again now since it should fix both problems.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Rafa: you really need to use a newer nightly, the "total_value/total_votes" issue is already fixed. The problem was the aliasse were missing, it should read "(images.total_value/images.total_votes)". That is done in getImageStatistic().
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