I've searched for several weeks for a solution to this problem.. Additionally I've tried several different versions of Zenphoto ranging from 1.0.8 to the newest one. I am trying to install zenphoto at the following address after editing zp-config.php:
http://justwhatyouwant.net/zenphoto/zen/setup.phpI have also tried;
http://justwhatyouwant.net/zenphoto/zp-core/setup.phpNeither time out, exactly, but they never seem to do anything -- including when I leave it loading while I sleep. I would assume that this would be a database connection problem, however not only is the database hosted locally; I also was able to connect from command line with no problem (though not being familiar with MySQL at *all* I wasn't able to go any further). Finally, a phpinfo page loads instantly and apparently correctly:
http://justwhatyouwant.net/phpinfo.phpThank you in advance for any help!
Could it be that your server setup is not correct? You said it's hosted locally? So this is a localhost server?
Thanks for your help. I agree the PHPinfo looks a bit short, but I'm unfortunately not too familiar with PHP so I know neither how to fix that now whether it needs fixing. I did install GDlib (at least, I downloaded the RPM and ran rpm -i; I don't really know whether it worked). Originally the trouble was that PHP 4.4.7 was on the server. I attempted to upgrade this to 5.0.4; I'm not sure whether that was successful, either, as I did so through cPanel and the messages were cryptic at best, especially for a relative linux novice.
I am loathe to install PHP from source -- I would probably mess up more than I would achieve. However, I am not completely opposed to the idea.
My server was setup using a template provided by my employer for virtual private servers, so while it's possible the setup was incorrect, I believe it unlikely. This might also answer your last question, but I'm not quite sure what you meant. This is a virtual server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and had cPanel pre-installed. It's running on a hardware node running Virtuozzo in a datacenter. It's not running on a server in my living room (that server had better success at installing zenphoto :P).
I hope that perhaps clarifies a bit. Thank you.
I personally never installed a server and php myself and I am really no server expert (I am Mac user and we are known to like it simple..:-)). I use a complete localhost installation for Mac called MAMP for all testing. That's only one programm you install and then it's running the complete virtual server. This is indeed what I meant when asking for a localhost installation.
I guess you may have a server setup problem, but I sadly can't help with that.
that's ok.. your php version is not the problem.. as Acrylian mentioned, i doubt its your GD support either (though you should download it and install it by googling for a proper tutorial)
i installed ZP locally by using Wamp.
sorry i'll have to be short, remember to: (left click on the server icon in taskbar)
_setup a mysql database connection using php admin (included)
_activate the mod rewrite module, in apache modules (included)
_allow short tags (google it) in your php.ini
install GD
good luck.. sorry i can't be more detailed now
Thanks again!
weird of me..
anyways Linux falls out of my experience but i know that wamp has a linux compatible version called lamp.
also here is an installation guide.
your php.ini has the Zend logo on it, i didn't know Zend installed without a GUI platform (?) are you sure your setup is complete currently.
The setup is now working; you can see it at http://justwhatyouwant.net/zenphoto. I killed everything on the server and ran a cPanel script to remove Apache 1 and replace it with Apache 2 and remove PHP 4.4.7 and replace it with PHP 5.2.5. After this process was done zenphoto installed successfully (well, technically after I restarted apache and mysql). I appreciate your help in the interim.