Setup timing out


I've searched for several weeks for a solution to this problem.. Additionally I've tried several different versions of Zenphoto ranging from 1.0.8 to the newest one. I am trying to install zenphoto at the following address after editing zp-config.php:

I have also tried;

Neither time out, exactly, but they never seem to do anything -- including when I leave it loading while I sleep. I would assume that this would be a database connection problem, however not only is the database hosted locally; I also was able to connect from command line with no problem (though not being familiar with MySQL at *all* I wasn't able to go any further). Finally, a phpinfo page loads instantly and apparently correctly:

Thank you in advance for any help!


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Your phpinfo looks a little short to me, but I am no expert of what needs to be installed for PHP in detail. What I definately think is, that you are missing the GDLib, that is needed for processing images in zenphoto. But that shouldn't prevent from loading setup at all.

    Could it be that your server setup is not correct? You said it's hosted locally? So this is a localhost server?
  • Hi Acrylian,

    Thanks for your help. I agree the PHPinfo looks a bit short, but I'm unfortunately not too familiar with PHP so I know neither how to fix that now whether it needs fixing. I did install GDlib (at least, I downloaded the RPM and ran rpm -i; I don't really know whether it worked). Originally the trouble was that PHP 4.4.7 was on the server. I attempted to upgrade this to 5.0.4; I'm not sure whether that was successful, either, as I did so through cPanel and the messages were cryptic at best, especially for a relative linux novice.

    I am loathe to install PHP from source -- I would probably mess up more than I would achieve. However, I am not completely opposed to the idea.

    My server was setup using a template provided by my employer for virtual private servers, so while it's possible the setup was incorrect, I believe it unlikely. This might also answer your last question, but I'm not quite sure what you meant. This is a virtual server running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and had cPanel pre-installed. It's running on a hardware node running Virtuozzo in a datacenter. It's not running on a server in my living room (that server had better success at installing zenphoto :P).

    I hope that perhaps clarifies a bit. Thank you.
  • Oops .... just noticed that the top of the phpinfo page returns PHP 4.4.7, which is most likely causing this trouble. I'm attempting to fix that now. I'll update this post with any further info.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    PHP 4.4.7 should not be the problem since zenphoto requires only PHP 4.10+ with GD support and MySQL 3.23+. But PHP 5.x is fine of course (I am running PHP 5.2.3 and MySQL 5).

    I personally never installed a server and php myself and I am really no server expert (I am Mac user and we are known to like it simple..:-)). I use a complete localhost installation for Mac called MAMP for all testing. That's only one programm you install and then it's running the complete virtual server. This is indeed what I meant when asking for a localhost installation.

    I guess you may have a server setup problem, but I sadly can't help with that.
  • hey,
    that's ok.. your php version is not the problem.. as Acrylian mentioned, i doubt its your GD support either (though you should download it and install it by googling for a proper tutorial)

    i installed ZP locally by using Wamp.

    sorry i'll have to be short, remember to: (left click on the server icon in taskbar)
    _setup a mysql database connection using php admin (included)
    _activate the mod rewrite module, in apache modules (included)
    _allow short tags (google it) in your php.ini
    install GD

    good luck.. sorry i can't be more detailed now :\
  • Thank you for your advice Motaheri, but I think there may have been a miscommunication. I agree with you that it's not the GD library; I have installed ZP without the GD library previously and it installed fine, it just didn't show pictures (Instead it showed icons saying "Your GDlibrary is not installed"). I'm attempting to run Zenphoto off of a linux server with no GUI, so I have no task bar, regrettably. MySQL is installed and the database I configured ZP to use is accessible from the command line. I'm not using .htaccess at the moment, so I haven't bothered too much with mod_rewrite. I will search for short tags, as I'm not familiar with that.

    Thanks again!
  • haha.. yes you are correct i thought you were on windows xD
    weird of me..

    anyways Linux falls out of my experience but i know that wamp has a linux compatible version called lamp.
    also here is an installation guide.

    your php.ini has the Zend logo on it, i didn't know Zend installed without a GUI platform (?) are you sure your setup is complete currently.
  • Hi Motaheri. I am not entirely certain; as I mentioned earlier, the virtual private server was setup from a template which works for other people, so I don't have much reason to assume it's not. In terms of having a GUI, I am using cPanel which provides some graphical administration; the rest I do with command line. However, I doubt that any PHP component would require a GUI for installation.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Has anybody got zenphoto working with your installation template? If not, what about trying another server setup just for checking?
  • Hey guys.

    The setup is now working; you can see it at I killed everything on the server and ran a cPanel script to remove Apache 1 and replace it with Apache 2 and remove PHP 4.4.7 and replace it with PHP 5.2.5. After this process was done zenphoto installed successfully (well, technically after I restarted apache and mysql). I appreciate your help in the interim.
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