
Why on a site web photo album the wrong reference to an arrangement of an album is created? Albums are created in a folder "albums", and already on a site the reference incorrect and photos it is not visible. For example: I have created an album "nataly". Photos are loaded to the address of: http: // mysite.com/albums/nataly, and already on a site the reference goes on address:http: // mysite.com/nataly and consequently it is not visible to a photo.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    The link to an album is correct: The link `http: // mysite.com/nataly`you mentioned is a modrewrite link created by rewriting with htaccess. The pure link without modrewrite would be `http: // mysite.com/index.php?album=nataly`.
    Probably you don't have modrewrite enabled on your website so that does not work for you.
  • Thanks! I would understand. The program, I still studying at localhost. Maybe it should be immediately put in a plug WordPress?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
  • Ok! Thanks! Mum spoke me - learn English...
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