Returning to 'page n' of index page

Am not sure if this is caused by the new upgrade or not, but clicking on the index page at the top links (index | album | image) does not return me to the index page I was initially viewing.

e.g. I'm in index page 3, click on an album, in album page click on index link, which brings me to index page 1.

Using ver 1.0b. Any help/thoughts appreciated! Thanks.

On another topic/question, from the changelog newest albums are sorted at the beginning, but am not getting that when uploading folders i.e. they are sorted at the bottom. Is there any settings to change the album sort order?


  • Anyone?
  • Bump...

    Have the same problem. Is this just like this with this version of ZP?

    Hope not.
  • Bump it up again... have upgraded to 1.0.2 beta release.

    All links from within the gallery linking to the index page only link to page one.

    Gets a bit annoying to browse through the gallery like that.

    However I will not give up zenphoto, because it's wonderful in all other ways!
  • trisweb Administrator
    Yes, this is a bug in the 1.0.2 release; something I realized last minute.

    In short, it works in PHP5, not in PHP4, and thus you see the problem in last-minute testing (I develop with 5, but my site runs 4). I hoped I would release the fix soon after. Give it a week or so, I'll have something.

    Yes, I hope this small annoyance isn't terrible in the meantime. I can think of even more annoying bugs myself... I'll try to get them fixed soon ;-) Thanks for being patient.
  • No! Thank YOU!

    Anyways, it was the same with the previous version, at least for me, and I hoped it would be fixed with this one.

    I am, though, running my gallery on a server with PHP 5.1.2, so I hope that doesn't make it a bigger problem than you thought, maybe I am just misunderstanding!
  • trisweb Administrator
    Nope, I disabled it for all since it was having trouble with 4. I'll re-enable it in the next version once I have everything figured out.
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