Feed Thumbnail Size

I thought it would be better if the thumbnails were not cropped, giving the feed user a more distinct preview of what the image is. Often i see photos that their main leverage is on the sides.
as in this one

also both flickr and national geographic provide un-cropped previews in their feed, i'm sure this is the case elsewhere also..
flickr resizing the longest side inside a 240px square
(i believe this is the best solution)

of course i could edit this to my liking, but i think this is a standard implication elsewhere *and* i believe its also to ZP's benefit if this was the default, and [if needed] an admin option was provided for other sizes/crops.

your thoughts?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, I never used flickr or such but I have thought about an option for the feed images, too. We'll consider that.
  • thanks for the consideration!
    my main concern is more on the current default; which i believe the un-cropped look would be more photo-gallery correct, (the examples Flickr, NG.. were to provide some evidence for my claim :D) your opinion?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I generally agree with you.
  • thank you :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    A fix will be in one of the next svn. But you can easily do it yourself: Just open rss.php and find the lines with image width and image height. Then set both to equal values and the image is uncropped.
  • Thank you !
    sounds wonderful Acrylian :]

    this is what i did, i'll try out yours shortly
    line 33: `$s = 240;`

    line 62: `image`

    i'm thinking 240 may not be a standard - but more what flickr is comfortable with.. i searched the net for an image size standard, but the size was around 140(width) x 400(height) which i believe is outdated and a weird size, mobile readers now-a-days have higher resolutions (?) .. i like the under 300 px idea.. but still have found no real standard out there. :)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I have set 250x250 as the default value (svn1061). Some users might prefer bigger images, others don't. Since it's easily changed choose just the size you are comfortable with.
  • Hello Acrylian,
    i looked at the svn 1063,
    `$iw = $cw = 250; // Image Width

    $ih = $ch = 250; // Image Height`

    This will give a cropped image, as i have tested myself. (when 'w' and 'h' are given to i.php the results can only be an image with those fixed dimensions, yet 's' calls for a logical size.)
    The code in my previous comment giving only the 's' variable will output an un-cropped image, i have tested this.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Well, I have to admit technically you are absolutly right, but strangely it does not make any difference in my installation. Anyway, I will include your "correct" version...:-)
  • oh thank you :)
    this place is probably the most active & constructive support forum i've seen - thats why i like helping out when i can

    I'm using the last stable release. If you're using the Nightly Builds, the problem must have been introduced there i suppose.. i have unchecked the longest size option, and the images still show up uncropped. so i can't blame it on configuration.
    maybe a bug in i.php? i really don't know what may cause this though you can look at my feed now, still using the above code..(which i see you have implemented in the trunk)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Probably I did not make myself clear and you got me wrong! Both yours and mine way show uncropped images for me! I had the "use longest side" enabled and I use the nightly releases. That was what I wondered about.

    So everything is fine and your way is the right way to do it, so that is in now (yeah, even developers can be wrong...:-))

    PS: Thanks, we try not only to have the best gallery...:-)
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