I thought it would be better if the thumbnails were not cropped, giving the feed user a more distinct preview of what the image is. Often i see photos that their main leverage is on the sides.
as in this one
http://www.flickr.com/photos/ufoglasshens/192561610/also both flickr and national geographic provide un-cropped previews in their feed, i'm sure this is the case elsewhere also..
http://api.flickr.com/services/feeds/photos_public.gne?id=25121712@N00&lang=en-us&format=atomflickr resizing the longest side inside a 240px square
(i believe this is the best solution)
of course i could edit this to my liking, but i think this is a standard implication elsewhere *and* i believe its also to ZP's benefit if this was the default, and [if needed] an admin option was provided for other sizes/crops.
your thoughts?
my main concern is more on the current default; which i believe the un-cropped look would be more photo-gallery correct, (the examples Flickr, NG.. were to provide some evidence for my claim
sounds wonderful Acrylian :]
this is what i did, i'll try out yours shortly
line 33: `$s = 240;`
line 62: `
i'm thinking 240 may not be a standard - but more what flickr is comfortable with.. i searched the net for an image size standard, but the size was around 140(width) x 400(height) which i believe is outdated and a weird size, mobile readers now-a-days have higher resolutions (?) .. i like the under 300 px idea.. but still have found no real standard out there.
i looked at the svn 1063,
`$iw = $cw = 250; // Image Width
$ih = $ch = 250; // Image Height`
This will give a cropped image, as i have tested myself. (when 'w' and 'h' are given to i.php the results can only be an image with those fixed dimensions, yet 's' calls for a logical size.)
The code in my previous comment giving only the 's' variable will output an un-cropped image, i have tested this.
this place is probably the most active & constructive support forum i've seen - thats why i like helping out when i can
I'm using the last stable release. If you're using the Nightly Builds, the problem must have been introduced there i suppose.. i have unchecked the longest size option, and the images still show up uncropped. so i can't blame it on configuration.
maybe a bug in i.php? i really don't know what may cause this though you can look at my feed now, still using the above code..(which i see you have implemented in the trunk)
So everything is fine and your way is the right way to do it, so that is in now (yeah, even developers can be wrong...:-))
PS: Thanks, we try not only to have the best gallery...:-)