invisible albums and images showup in tag search

Just noticed that images from within albums that are flagged as invisible show up on the search page.
and also invisble albums themselves
dont know if this should be..

made a workaround for this on my search.php in the loops as shown below but would be nicer in the template function (tried that but could not get it working).


<?php while (next_album()): ?>

<?php $check=$_zp_current_album->getShow();

if (!$check){

echo "


<?php printAlbumThumbImage(getAlbumTitle()); ?>

<?php if (!$check){ echo "</div>";}?>

<?php endwhile; ?>



<?php while (next_image(true)): ?>

<?php $check=$_zp_current_image->getAlbum();


if (!$check){

echo "


<?php printImageThumb(); ?>

<?php if (!$check){ echo "</div>";}?>

<?php endwhile; ?>



  • Are you running the search as the admin? All albums and images are visible to the admin.
  • nope.. that's something I figured out some time now :-)
  • I am not able to reproduce the problem here. So, perhaps it has been fixed in the nightly builds. I don't remember, though.
  • with the nightly build I 24 still have this problem (in the default themes), I can search with the name of an invisible album and find it.
    but it's okay since my above fix is good enough for me. thanks
  • Found it, fix will be in tonight's build.
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