password protected album not secure

im desperate in looking for a gallery solution
and right now zen is exactly what i want
i want to stick with it but i have one problem though

i tried password protecting an album, and then since i have the recent photo feature appear on the main page, the content of that password protected album also appears there. when you click on it, it takes me to the content of that album with full access to all the pictures.

it appears that its only the link of the album that is restricted. so if the image appears in recent photo/album and you click on it the album is still accesible

its true for me.


  • Your link does not display. So, a couple of questions:

    First, are you using a standard theme or one you have created? If the latter you need to add a call `if (checkForPassword() { }` around the part of your image.php page that you do not want to display.

    Also, for passwords to work correctly you need to be running the nightly build.
  • im sorry:
    correction for the link:
  • by the way its a theme that comes with the gallery, its from stopdesign
  • Seems password protected to me when I visit it.
  • Are you logged in as the gallery admin while testing? That may override password protection on individual albums.
  • no i wasn't login as admin. in fact i was using firefox to edit the gallery and view as guest using safari. its simpy not working. i had to switch back to gallery 2 while i still couldnt figure out how to protect the pictures.

    hi sbilard, what you probably see was the gallery (another gallery cms)
    do i still have to install the nightly build even though i have just downloaded the zenphoto 2 days ago? i presummed that the download link at maimn site gives the updated version.

    thanks for you answers guys
  • If you downloaded the 1.1.3 version, that is not the same as the nightly build.
  • Gallery link:
    note: i dont own the pictures. use for testing purposes.

    I did now and upload the nightly build. I made some test. Here are my observations. Hope this could help us improve future updates.

    There is an album named BOO, boo is password protected.
    There is an album named ANIMALS and its NOT password protected.

    I uploaded a picture in ANIMALS and showed up in the recent images as expected.
    I uploaded a picture in BOO and did not showed up in the recent images which is fine.

    I accessed BOO using the password and copy the direct link of one of the picture (
    I cleared my cache, cookies etc.
    I accessed again BOO and I was prompted again to enter the password but I DID NOT.
    Then I paste the direct link of the picture from BOO in the addresbar and I was able to access the picture without being asked to enter the password. And the picture has 2 links beside it. The link on the left was the previous picture, the link on the right is the next picture. Which gives a full access to the gallery. And if you click to the name of the gallery above, that's the only time you will be asked to enter the password :(

    Now what i'm worried is, if there is a certain pattern i named my pictures, one could guess what is the filename and try to access the album by simply typing the link below: -- name.jpg as the filename guessed.

    Another scenario. If a certain guest sent the link of the image from a password protected album to someone via email, the recipient will just click on the link and they will be able to access the picture (and all pictures of the album via the next and previous links) without being prompted to enter the password.

    What I actually expecting was if I try to access a certain link of a picture which is password protected, I should be prompted to enter the password of the album.

    If this could be done, then showing up the images from a password protected gallery in the recent images is not a problem since the moment you click on it, you will be ask to enter the password.

    Thanks and I hope i am not wasting your time.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Of course you are not wasting our time. We appreaciate your feedback, especially on this sensible topic. Unfortunatly you are indeed right that you can access a image in an password protected album directly.

    As for recent images: If you use the latest nightly build that should not show images from password protected albums anymore.
  • Thanks for the reply acrylian :)

    Any plans in the future to prevent from accessing a image in a password protected album directly?

    Yes i have noticed with the build release last night, recent images does not show anymore from a password protected gallery. It only shows up now on the recent images if you have an access to the album.

    ALSO, i'm just wondering if those images in the password protected gallery being crawled by search engines?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Of course an image should not be accessible directly if in an protected album (and I could swear that worked before...) But sbillard is the architect of the protection, I am sure he finds the error real quick!

    If you don't be able to access a protected album, a crawler/spider shouldn't have access too, since it follow links.
  • bratyfly:

    In order to protect the image, the theme must include password checking in the image.php file. Unfortunately, it appears that stopdesign does not do this. I will see if I can decypher the theme well enough to add the code. Stopdesign is a very complex difficult to work with theme.
  • Thanks Sbillard. I can't wait for it.
    I am amaze of the response of zemphoto's support. Great Job! :)
  • correction: i mean i will wait for it :) sorry
  • The solution was posted in last night's nightly build. Seems a few other themes were missing the code as well, I think something must have got lost along the way. Anyway, now all distributed themes support image page password protection.

    If anyone is developing his own theme, the code `if checkforPassword() {` <protected code> `}` must be placed around anything you don't want displayed if the album is passoword protected.

    This same goes for album pages if you want to supress anything more than the thumbnail list.
  • noticed that images in a password protected album show up in the search page if search word for example contains it's filename. the password protected albums don't.
    did this in the imageloop on the search.php to prevent images showing up;


    <?php while (next_image(true)): ?>

    <?php global $_zp_current_image;<br />
    $check = $_zp_current_image->getAlbum();

    $check = $check->getPassword();

    if ($check == 0){?>

    <?php printImageThumb(); ?>

    <?php }?>

    <?php endwhile; ?>

  • We will fix this in the core. It will add a bit of overhead to the search, though.
  • I'm having trouble with password protection too. I added password protection to one album, and initially it seemed to have no effect, but then I found this post and realized it might be because I was logged in as admin. So I logged out, clicked on that album - and got no photos, just a blank image page, but also no password prompt! So there appears to be no way to enter a password.

    Also, there are two related problems: it still uses a thumbnail from the protected album to represent it on the main page, so that means at least one image from the protected album is publicly visible, and it also pulls content from the protected album for the random image block on the main page. Both of these seem to kind of go against the idea of being able to protect an album...

    I suppose I could get around the random image thing by removing that feature entirely (although that would probably mean commenting it out in the code and then messing with the CSS so that the layout doesn't break, since there doesn't seem to be any way of disabling that feature in the admin), but I'm not sure what to do about the thumbnail issue. It would be nice if protected albums showed a blank image with the words "password required" instead of a thumbnail.

    BTW, the theme I'm using is a modified version of Thinkdreams, if that helps (modified mainly by me commenting out everything relating to comments, and the image descriptions and titles).
  • With the current release you should not be getting protected images for the random image. However, since you are using a modified (not part of the release) theme, it may not be using the template-functions getRandomImage() function. No guarentees then.

    The theme may also be the problem with your getting no photos, just a blank page. Typically, blank pages are due to script errors. Check your CGI log and see what it says. The way password protection works, When the theme calls next_image() or next_album() zenphoto checks to see if the current album is password protected. (There have been some fixes here, so you might need the nightly build.)

    While album thumbs are returned for protected albums, there is a `class="password_protected"` on the image saying it is protected. Your CSS could do something to mask it.
  • The only things I modified in the theme were hiding the comments and titles, and changing the sizes of the thumbnails, so I'm not sure how it would have affected anything else... I know it's still using the same function for random images - I didn't change that at all. But I'll check the error log and see if I can find out anything.
  • OK, checked the error log and there was nothing that looked remotely relevant in it. Just a few missing favicon.ico messages and that sort of thing. Plus two occurences of "File is not a JPEG file" from the massedit page, which I think was caused by a couple of images that had spaces after their names (fixed now). Also, just to clarify, it wasn't a total blank page it was showing (like the kind you'd get with a fatal error), but a page with the breadcrumb trail, title, footer, etc. but no actual content. Anyway, there don't appear to be any PHP errors happening.

    Also, I checked the code of the index page and it is not assigning the password_protected class to the thumbnail for that gallery at all. And I haven't changed the CSS in any way.

    Just to verify whether or not it was a theme issue, I switched back the default theme. This did result in the password prompt showing up - but the image thumbnail for the protected gallery still appeared in the main listing, and did not have the password_protected class. I tried a couple of other themes with basically the same result, and when I found one that included the random image block, it still showed images from the protected gallery among the random ones.

    So those two problems are not theme-specific - *none* of the themes I tried (including default!) gives protected albums' thumbnail that class, or excluded protected images from the random image block if they had one.

    Then, just to see if the problem with the password prompt not appearing was due to anything I did or not, I uploaded an unmodified version of Thinkdreams - and it doesn't show the password prompt either. So apparently that problem is in the Thinkdreams theme itself, not in any of my changes. Which sucks because it's the only theme that looks relatively similar to what the photographer I'm doing this site for wants. :-(

    Any ideas how the password prompt could be restored to Thinkdreams? I'm not afraid of editing code...
  • For direct access image URL, is it possible to handle some security check in i.php? I can copy the image location in browser and paste it to open the image in another browser.

    seem all image request should go through this php. I found this php will redirect the request to the location of physical path, it is quite easy to guest other protected album image path. Perhaps there could be an option in admin page for turn on i.php to read and output the image rather than redirect it, for someone who may sacrifice performance for better security.
  • When you directly access the image (.../albums/album_name/image.jpg) you are not going through any scripts, so zenphoto can do nothing about it. You can prevent this by putting security on the albums folder in your .htaccess file or by moving your albums folder outside of the web paths or, less secure, but far easier to do, change the name of your albums folder to something harder to guess.
  • spidersilk:
    I looked at the theme and can't see any reason why the log-on prompt would not show. But then, when I tried the them, I could not get links to work at all.
  • Has protection for direct access to images been added since your post, sbillard? I was having a look at Zenphoto around a year ago, and then it was possible to have direct access just like you describe. But when I installed the latest version today, it seems like /albums/album_name/image.jpg doesn't not work if the image is in a protected album.

    Is that thanks to mod_rewrite and the image suffix?
  • My error. The images are still available by a direct url. I was missing to add the /albums-part when trying.
  • Thoresson, you can protect the albums folder by adding the following .htaccess rule:

    <Files *>
    Order Deny,Allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from

    That'll stop anyone from browsing the albums folder.
  • I noticed also that if user searches with e.g. name of protected album all thumbnails of the images are shown. One cannot access individual image though with out login in. But if the slideshow plugin is istalled you can view full screen slide show of the all protected images in the search results.

    I had to add a search password and remove the slideshow plugin to prevent this. I have most images as public put I have one personal album with subalbums which contain images of my family and friends which I don't want to be accessible by anyone one the web.

    It seems I have to tune the ZenPage theme and the slideshow to prevent this.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please open a ticket for this. Thanks.
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