Zenphoto VS. zenphotopress _Admin/Options problem

I need help getting the Zenphotopress plugin to work in WP. I have successfully got the Zenphoto gallerry working but the plugin for the page and posts will not work even though it shows up in the editor.

In the options to config the plugin I am having trouble here:

ZenphotoPress Configuration

Base configuration

Zenphoto gallery URL: www.sp71.net/zenphoto
For example: http://www.example.com/zenphoto
Zenphoto admin path: http://sp71.net/zenphoto/zp-core/admin.php
For example: /var/www/example.com/zenphoto/zp-core

Here is the flag I getalthough I know that this admin path work ( I am on firefox):

"Wrong Zenphoto admin path. It should point to the Zenphoto administration directory on the filesystem."

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