Users and Album access

I am currently have an album somewhere and I pay them for it. The gallery allows an owner to create users. Every time you want to create a password protected album, you only need to select from a drop down list of users. So there is no need to re-enter password.

And once a user already have entered a password to a certain album, where he has an access as well, he doesnt have to re-enter the password. This gives convenience both to the gallery owner and the viewer.

I hope we can have a feature like this in the future :)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If I get you right this is about simple users, not multiple admins, right? Then please post a feature request ticket on the trac. We then add the request to our poll and if enough people vote for it, we consider adding it to our list.
  • yes, just users and not admins :)
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