Stopdesing Theme for 1.0b ?

peh Member
Does anyone know if the Stopdesign theme works with 1.0beta?... or if there is a new version somewhere?


  • the stopdesign doesn't work for 1.0beta!!

    But you can do the following to make it work..

    There are two files you'll need to edit. These files are located in the "zen" folder.

    - i.php
    - template-functions.php

    EDIT i.PHP
    - Find - should be on line 24 to line 33

    if(isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] < 3000) { // Disallow abusive size requests.

    if ($_GET['s'] == "thumb") {

    $thumb = true;

    } else {

    $thumb = false;


    $size = $_GET['s'];

    } else {

    return false;



    - Replace with this

    if(isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] < 3000) { // Disallow abusive size requests.

    if ($_GET['s'] == "thumb") {

    $thumb = true;


    if ($_GET['f'] == "true") {

    $thumb_crop = true;

    $thumb_size = 230;

    $thumb_crop_width = 210;

    $thumb_crop_height = 60;};

    } else {

    $thumb = false;


    $size = $_GET['s'];

    if ($_GET['f'] == "true") { $size = $size."f";};

    } else {

    return false;



    EDIT template-functions.php
    - Find - should be at line 529 to 533

    function printAlbumThumbImage($alt, $class=NULL, $id=NULL) {

    echo "\
    (($class) ? " class=\"$class\"" : "") .

    (($id) ? " id=\"$id\"" : "") . " />";



    - Add Under


    function printAlbumThumbImageStopdesign($alt, $class=NULL, $id=NULL) {

    echo "\
    (($class) ? " class=\"$class\"" : "") .

    (($id) ? " id=\"$id\"" : "") . " />";



  • peh Member
    Thanks a lot!

    Now I'm running the newest 1.0.1 beta with the Stopdesign theme... and it looks like everything is working just fine

    i have edited stopdesing for use only zenphoto function ..
  • trisweb Administrator
    Hehe, it should allow arbitrarily sized thumbs now also (with 1.0b). Not documented, of course. We're workin on that ;-)

    I like it better with square thumbnails though. I'll try to include a version that works by default with the 1.0 release.
  • i don't found the function and i edited to call know method.
  • trisweb Administrator
    The function's not there yet; it was made possible though... sorry about that. I'll try to make it work with the next release...
  • o so good, with new relase i will edit stopdesign theme..
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