Eager to view the goodness that is ZP 1.1.4, I recently upgraded my site. I'm glad that you can now (again) click the image to view its full-sized version. I can now do this with images I had previously uploaded via sftp, but I get an error when trying to do so with recently uploaded images --i.e., images I had uploaded via the web admin UI. (Fwiw, uploaded when my site was running Zenphoto 1.1.3.)
For example, clicking on the image in
http://zenphoto.iwaruna.com/food/cupcakes.png.html results in a nearly empty page with the following text:
http://zenphoto.iwaruna.com/food/cupcakes.png.html?p=*full-image`I've tried clearing/refreshing the cache ("pre-cache images") and refreshing the database, but those tasks didn't help. Is there anything else I ought to try? Or perhaps I'm running into a bug?
I downloaded your cupcake image, put it on my site, and viewed it full image size with no problems.
However, I do have a local test installation using MAMP, and I experienced the same issue there. My PHP error log displayed a couple of warnings:
`[01-Feb-2008 14:47:05] PHP Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: gd-png: fatal libpng error: zlib failed to initialize compressor in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/zenphoto/zp-core/full-image.php on line 54
[01-Feb-2008 14:47:05] PHP Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: gd-png error: setjmp returns error condition in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/zenphoto/zp-core/full-image.php on line 54`
Not sure if those messages are relevant. I'll also test with a smaller image sizes, since those new ones are larger than previous files. (It's odd, they're only about 1MB .png's...)
It's strange that the original 1200 pixel (~1MB) png loaded fine, full-sized on your ZP site. Wonder why my sites won't handle displaying the full-sized png format. (At least using another file type works around my issue.)
There's a partial workaround. Go to Admin Options > Image Display and change "Full image quality" from a value between 1 and 100 to a value between 1 and 10, eg, 8. After that, full-sized png's load fine. This disadvantage, though, is that full-sized jpg's look horrible. Guess the value for png needs to be divided by 10 in the source?
` case 'png':
imagepng($newim, NULL, ($quality/10));
Viewing both jpg and png at full size now works so far. Not sure if this is ideal (my programming skillz are a bit rough'n'ready, I'm afraid), as it would likely break on PHP 4 installations.
Also, as best as I can tell from the documents, this parameter is ignored on PHP 4 for imagepng.
We will update the code to deal with this.
` case 'png':
if ($quality = 100) {
$quality = 0;
} else {
$quality = round((99 - $quality)/10);
imagepng($newim, NULL, $quality);
i just solved it. i have a custom watermark. i disabled watermark in the options menu in admin, clicked 'ok', then enabled it again, clicked ok and now it works.