Album Sort

I just installed the program and I love it. Excellent work. My only thing with it is the sort. Albums appear random. I have hundreds of folders, and the previous script automatically sorted them with the newest at top. But I am not getting that with zenphoto. Please tell me there is a way to do it.

thanks, and keep up the amazinv work


  • There are several ways you can sort albums. Look at the gallery options in admin. Here you can choose a default sort order for all your albums. You can also select a sort order for each individual album. Finally, in admin you can drag and drop albums into whatever order you desire.
  • Yes I have done that, and got that working, but my sub folders are not sorting. Any ideas for that?

    Thank you for the reply
  • Did you select a sort order for each album/subalbum? You should select `ID` to get the newest first sort.
  • Where so I select the sort for each album. I know there is an option for the main index but I can not see one for the sub albums
  • ok i figured the sort
    thank you very much for your help
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